Thursday, July 06, 2006

Omnia Mutantur,Nihil Interit

"Omnia Mutantur,Nihil Interit". Everything changes but nothing is truly lost. Saw that from the 10th volume of the Sandman chronicles. It got me thinking of how our lives change day by day but when end up staying the same in the end. A revolution of some sort where we start out and wind our way back to where we started no matter what we do. I've had this experience and i intend to share it with any who pops by my blog. There was this boy.He wasn't very smart, or very good looking but he had..perhaps..imagination. Always lost in a world of his own creation and oblivious to the real world. This all changed when he met Her. He saw Her once or if he was lucky.. twice a week. They didnt talk much..hell, they didnt talk at all and(like those incredibly soppy romance novels) she didnt notice him much....perhaps she didnt even know he existed. How he learned of Her name i havent a clue but this he did. It was admiration from afar and whenever he retreated to the world in his mind he would often think of Her as his very own heroine or damsel in distress. He wanted to get closer to to Her but he lacked the spine to do so. Then came a day where he could not see Her at all. It was a depressing moment for him and he cried. He ACTUALLY shed a tear.Nay, tears. Years after he would look back upon that moment and laugh but deep down he knew that he would've done it again, and again and again if time repeated itself.He eventually forgot how she looked like but things have a funny way of turning out. True enough almost a decade later, she came back into his life. Unfortunately, he did NOT fall in love with her instantaneously and confessed his lifelong love for her and they wound up happily ever after. THIS,after all isnt a novel by Nicholas Sparks(an author of romance novels for those of you who dont know). He was surprised to see Her and couldnt believe that it was actually Her. But alas, 9 years can do many things to someone and all that he felt for hHer was already long gone. Well ALMOST everything. There was still an odd nostalgia and a hint of a smile that is lost as quickly as it surfaced everytime Her name is mentioned but that was all. Things change, but nothing is truly lost. Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit.

1 comment:

E3 said...

i'm sure 9 hours of a person's absence can already do alot =)