Saturday, July 15, 2006


Well, i've been mainly babbling about nonsense which no one in their right mind would be bothered about....which clearly notes something is very wrong with me...but whatever i've not been the one to care much for other people's thoughts about me...or am i? i'm kinda facing an identity crisis right now..."a subjective sense as well as an observable quality of personal sameness and continuity, paired with some belief in the sameness and continuity of some shared world image. As a quality of unself-conscious living, this can be gloriously obvious in a young person who has found himself as he has found his communality. In him we see emerge a unique unification of what is irreversibly given--that is, body type and temperament, giftedness and vulnerability, infantile models and acquired ideals--with the open choices provided in available roles, occupational possibilities, values offered, mentors met, friendships made, and first sexual encounters."

Thus, i've been doing a lot of stuff lately to try getting a better perspective of what i intend to do with myself in the future and have reflected on the deeds i've done and things like that. I can't really say that i've come up with much but all i know is that i definately do NOT want to live a "relatively normal life". I mean seriously, repetition of daily activities for the duration of one's life is kinda dull is it not? So does it surprise me that what i do nowadays seem EXACTLY what i'm trying to avoid doing. Not really. With the looming shadow of school life and the tiresome problems of adolescence i guess its pretty normal for kids to be awfully repetitive in their daily lives. However, i ain't complaining that much. Its kinda like a case of win some lose some. Except i tend to win more...after all, not everybody has travelled to half the places in the world when they're only 15.

Anyways, i'm trying a new approach in my blogs now. I've read some of my fellow blogger's blogs and their moments of incredible amusement(for the readers of course) so i said what the heck and decided to give it a shot.

Today was a Saturday and well during MOST Saturday's people go out and take the town. I went to a local shopping centre as most kids do in this day and age. However, today was a mildly special day as the Young Enterprise Programme( some programme to expose young kids today to the trials and tribulations of business) of my school were having their Annual Sales( a weekend where they sell the stuff that their handmade items,with themes that differ each year ,that they've been making for HALF a year to the public.) I decided to pop in for a visit with the false pretense of supporting my school.

My true intentions of going were of course to escape daily life and also to scope some of the girls from OTHER schools participating there too. I was not disappointed. There were many of them there but only a tiny speck stood out.( I suppose its perfectly normal for school boys to look at school girls isnt it?) Anyways, aside from the girl scouting a friend of mine brought along her distant relatives from california. One of them, a guy, hung out with me and my pals(who were also here on the false pretenses of supporting their schools). All in all, i wasnt too bad a day. Oh, and i finally watched Wedding Crashers. Sweet,sweet movie it was.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Omnia Mutantur,Nihil Interit

"Omnia Mutantur,Nihil Interit". Everything changes but nothing is truly lost. Saw that from the 10th volume of the Sandman chronicles. It got me thinking of how our lives change day by day but when end up staying the same in the end. A revolution of some sort where we start out and wind our way back to where we started no matter what we do. I've had this experience and i intend to share it with any who pops by my blog. There was this boy.He wasn't very smart, or very good looking but he had..perhaps..imagination. Always lost in a world of his own creation and oblivious to the real world. This all changed when he met Her. He saw Her once or if he was lucky.. twice a week. They didnt talk much..hell, they didnt talk at all and(like those incredibly soppy romance novels) she didnt notice him much....perhaps she didnt even know he existed. How he learned of Her name i havent a clue but this he did. It was admiration from afar and whenever he retreated to the world in his mind he would often think of Her as his very own heroine or damsel in distress. He wanted to get closer to to Her but he lacked the spine to do so. Then came a day where he could not see Her at all. It was a depressing moment for him and he cried. He ACTUALLY shed a tear.Nay, tears. Years after he would look back upon that moment and laugh but deep down he knew that he would've done it again, and again and again if time repeated itself.He eventually forgot how she looked like but things have a funny way of turning out. True enough almost a decade later, she came back into his life. Unfortunately, he did NOT fall in love with her instantaneously and confessed his lifelong love for her and they wound up happily ever after. THIS,after all isnt a novel by Nicholas Sparks(an author of romance novels for those of you who dont know). He was surprised to see Her and couldnt believe that it was actually Her. But alas, 9 years can do many things to someone and all that he felt for hHer was already long gone. Well ALMOST everything. There was still an odd nostalgia and a hint of a smile that is lost as quickly as it surfaced everytime Her name is mentioned but that was all. Things change, but nothing is truly lost. Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Sympathy For The Devil

There comes a time when a person finally opens his/her eyes and sees the world in all its glory.It is a dreadful time where one views the world as nothing but a cold deceptive bitch.The lucky ones finds this out quickly and therefore remain relatively sane,the normal ones find it out eventually and their sanity remains totally if not mostly intact whereas the unlucky ones find it out a lil too late and notice that their dreams are actually nothing more than misty deceptions and false hope.Here's my point of view. I've seen "inspirational" taglines that you'll most probably find incredibly funny or ignore totally.Once i actually looked up and told myself that words like this actually meant something.Now..i would think twice about that. What am i talking about? Well its those sentences like "Treasure Your Friends", "Be Nice To People and People Will Be Nice To You", and stuff that usually would ask you to be an utter saint. I aint saying that these sentences and it ilk are WRONG. Heck i wouldnt even know how to....i'm babling..i'm just trying to say that HOW are we supposed to actually be GOOD when everyone else is just trying to get you to do the OPPOSITE.Which means...CAN saints actually live in a world full of sinners?The answer is YES..with buttloads of perseverance and perhaps even a job(firemens,police,doctors,yada yada yada)but i aint talking about them, i'm refering to the general public who's main shoutout to any problem would be "EVERYMAN/WOMAN/CHILD FOR THEMSELVES!!" and "It's a dog eat dog world".Usually i'd go on and on about how sucky humankind has been but this aint no project to write the wrongs of the human race.Nay, far from it. Its only a viewpoint of a simple 15 year old.Anyways...what i'm meaning to say is...For a world with an estimate of 6,525,605,731 and more everyday,it does seem kinda lonely doesnt it?