Friday, December 17, 2004


Vampires.Homo-nocturna as we people have so convineantly invented for them. You have to wonder who they are, how they work and most importantly, what does it feel like to be among them. Stalking and hunting people in the depths of night....amking us look like Coca-cola bottles waiting to be popped.Well scientifically speaking its quite sensible...think about it.....Vampires are dead creatures OR things that cease to function. Maybe that is why they require petrol for a car.And the engine...well u might have guessed it...the heart. Thats why you have to stake it.Whoever OR whatever made vampires had thought a lot about it though dun u think..hah. anyway shifting from scientifically to metaphorically. if vampires did exists i wouldnt think they would advertise their presence....i mean come on so much power and if us greedy, scheming humans somehow managed to get a hold of it or maybe shape it, it would be byebye for their kind.So if they actually DID exists how would it feel like to be them??Imagine being almost invincible.Anyway if they did exist we would have probably heard abt them or their killings more likely heh..As for the "type" of them , there is the Anne Rice type which are the elder vampires... with dark gifts to power them and there's the Max Shrek type or if you are more familliar with the Nosferatu title which are the ugly but strong ones. With long fingers to curl around their victims necks or stuff like dat anyway dats all dat i can write for now so......................... Au Revoir!!!

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